Utilize our expert knowledge to plan for your up-coming expedition.
We’ve prepared a guide so you can be prepared for your ROVE Ultra Expedition. Utilize the expertise of our team of seasoned adventure travelers to ensure you have everything you need and in order before you travel. ⌖
Click on a document icon below to view the guide.
Travel Checklists
Essentials List
List of primary travel items to check on, collect, bring with you, and store in a safe place while traveling.
Backpacking Expedition Gear List (Your Own Systems)
List of expedition related gear, apparel, and other essentials you will need to bring with you on your overland and camping destination adventure with us.
Overland & Camping Expedition Gear List (Outfitted Systems)
List of expedition related gear, apparel, and other essentials you will need to bring with you on your overland and camping destination adventure with us.
Tropical Expedition Gear List (Outfitted Systems)
List of expedition related gear, apparel, and other essentials you will need to bring with you on your tropical destination adventure with us.
Polar Expedition Gear List (Outfitted Systems)
List of expedition related gear, apparel, and other essentials you will need to bring with you on your polar destination adventure with us.