North America: Spacious Skies, Purple Mountains and Majesty
Being the third-largest continent in the world, North America is home to Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
Because of its size, there are many things you can do on a trip to North America. There is a North American destination for every occasion and season. You can easily experience the mountains, beaches, and a desert in one trip. Weather ranges from icy Northern Alaska to tropical beaches of the US teritory islands in the Caribbean Sea. The continent offers an incredible array of national parks and preserves with picturesque towering canyons, breathtaking mountain ranges, ancient forests, and fascinating, diverse wildlife. Given this diversity, there are many famous and spectacular geographical features on the North American continent. These include the Appalachian Mountains and Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, Niagara Falls, Vancouver Island, The Key Islands, Baja California, Yucatan Peninsula and thousands of miles of rugged shoreline and stunning warm sand beaches.
The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western, and European origin, yet its influences includes the cultures of African American, Asian American, Latin American, Native American, and Pacific Islander American peoples and their cultures. Mexico’s culture centers on Latin origin with Mesoamerican heritage. Canada brings a mix of cultures in both English speaking and French speaking territories.
Travel to and around North America is quite easy. Travelers can enjoy countless domestic flights, a variety of train and bus routes, and most prominently by renting a vehicle. Note, however, that the continent offers wide open spaces and, as a result, vast distances between destinations. ⌖

Global Position
North America is located in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly within the Western Hemisphere. It’s bordered by the Arctic Ocean (N), the Atlantic Ocean (E), South America and the Caribbean Sea (SE), and the Pacific Ocean (W).

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